Naish Bash: Grom-Sitting with Jesse Richman & Friends
The Naish groms play hookie for a day of kiteboarding, on Maui, with Kai Lenny, and brothers, Jesse Richman and Shawn Richman.
Join Naish Rider Jesse Richman and others for another #NaishBash down at the Gorge in Hood River Oregon: July 2–4. Demo Naish’s latest gear; tandem boards and trainer kites are also available.
Check out the Facebook Event page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/755606514561930/
Naish Kiteboarding Page: https://www.facebook.com/Naishkiteboarding
Get Social: #NaishBash #TheGorge #NaishKiteboarding
Naish Team riders Jesse Richman, Shawn Richman & Kai Lenny in addition to Mor Ben Yakir, Raquel Lima & Naish Kite Designer Damien Girardin
Naish Kids:
Tomas Aguirre, Gabriel Girardin, Tim Walsh, Dalten Crane, Gavin Gillette, Oskar Friedman
Olivier Sautet