Naish’s Manca Notar continues her winning streak at the Slovenian SUP Cup and Lignano SUP Race
September 6 & 7, 2014 – Naish’s Manca Notar was a racing machine this past weekend as she won her 5th, then 6th event in a row on Saturday and Sunday!
On Saturday, Manca and her Naish Javelin 14’0” LE took the win in the final 4.5 km race of the Slovenian SUP Cup – WaSUP Cup, which also resulted in Manca taking the Overall Title in the Slovenian SUP Cup for the season!
The action didn’t stop there…
After the race in Slovenia, Manca then drove to Lignano, Italy on Sunday to participate in the largest SUP race in Europe, the Lignano SUP Race! There were 300 competitors at this event, moving the competition levels up a few notches. This was no match for Manca and her Javelin 14’0” LE as they went on to win this race for the 3rd consecutive year in a row – amazing job Manca!
Congratulations & keep up the great work!