Casper wins the Danish SUP Championship
“It was fantastic paddling in the heart of Copenhagen in what seemed like a big stadium. It was really amazing to see how much stand up paddling is catching on in this urban area of Denmark. The canals and lakes are getting more and more packed with stand up paddlers. The Danes are strong athletes and never back down from a challenge! There was a lot of young talent at this event and strong guys and girls to look out for in the future! I gave it my best and I a was really, really happy to finish first place in the first ever Danish SUP Race Championship. Thumbs up to everyone that made this event happen”
Casper went on to Portugal after this win to train for the upcoming events in California and Hawaii
1. Casper Steinfath
2. Morten Lander
3. Adam Malling
1. Annette Qvistgaard
2. Natalie Ostenfelt
3. Mette Knakkergaard
1. Christian Andersen
2. Christoffer Holler
3. Mads Bojsen

Photos: Nautic Surf go Ski
More photos here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151980467620154.894972.499357225153&type=3