Bernd Roediger Earns First Place at TED Cup 2017
Sept 2-3, 2017, Chiba, Japan – Naish’s Bernd Roediger took the win at the 2017 TED Cup surf SUP competition. Named for the legendary surf shop located in Chiba, the TED Cup was the first surfing contest in Japan, starting in 1966 and was later revised as a SUP contest in 2008. Run by one of Japan’s best big wave surfers, Jun Adegawa, this year’s event hosted 150 competitors across seven categories—including a professional division—and offered 400,000 yen in prize money.
This year, a recent typhoon gifted the event with overhead waves, bringing heat after heat of epic competition to Isumi Surf Point—a location well known in Chiba for its classic beach break, which runs hollow and challenging when the good swell is on. Roediger took advantage of the sizeable swells catching some solid barrels and showing off clean, aggressive maneuvers. Though only his first time in attendance, Roediger’s stellar performance landed him first place in the pro division above Riki Horikoshi (2nd), Asahi Ichikawa (3rd) and Taka Inoue (4th).
Video pulled from supmasa via youtube:
See more photos below showing key moments from his best sets.
PHOTO CREDIT: Kurebayashi
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Bernd Roediger: